Friday, June 19, 2015

Getting to Know God, the Introdution - Available June 26, 2015

Getting to Know God grows out of a consciousness of self that does not understand or cannot personally account for how the self has come to be alive and self – aware. It is from this lifelong venture of exploration into pursuing answers to humanity’s challenging questions that meaning and purpose are born. 
We ask, “Who am I? What am I? Where am I from? What caused me to be here? What am I to do?” 
If I do not discover the answers to these questions, what then? The more I consider that I learn the more I must admit to myself I know too little about the things that matter to me and others around me most. 
Without answers, I/WE grow. We learn. We experience. We become busy distracting ourselves from the primary objective of seeking to answer or resolve the challenging questions.  
Along the way, we arrive at the only logical conclusion. Something beyond ourselves has caused our presence for reasons we cannot affirm, comprehend, or even fathom from our capacity to imagine or seeking understanding from first hand validated knowledge. 

Across the Earth, we who are human have accepted the great unknown, the why of our presence with self – aware consciousness as our Creator. Not all of us hold this view. Many if not most of us do. 

The Creator has created us with an intention not clear to us but composed of many powerful dynamics we cannot help but acknowledge. Many of us believe that intention is love because our design is intentional connection to achieve personal and communal relevance for the most of our existence. 

We accept then that connecting ourselves, developing ourselves, and continue to create successive generations of ourselves is primary to our purpose. Because our internal design has been built in by the great unknown, we consider the more we appreciate ourselves and all life around us, the more we express our appreciation for who has created us and placed us on the home we call Earth. 

God is the name many of us recognize as the Creator. Getting to Know God is the perspective of how one tribal connection of people living on Earth honors the Creator, God. We particularly honor the supreme human and divine man who embodies the Creator, God.  

Jesus, the Christ, the master image and embodiment of the Creator is the model for the highest level of connection amongst those of us who follow his WAY. We are identified across the Earth and know ourselves as Christians.

When we yield to this notion and direction, our purpose becomes clear from established, written and recorded principles. We are to love the Creator more than all other things. We demonstrate and live out that love by the way we actively love ourselves and others as we love ourselves. 

Getting to Know God will assert the human how to get to know God is revealed in how we get to know each other. This is one beginning to understand who we are, what we are, why we are and what we are to do. May all who read this be blessed to embody and live a dynamic love that live to be blessing to God, blessing to self, and to others.

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Getting to Know God is not available for sale. It is available for donation only. 

Click here to make your donations to receive Getting to Know God, June 26, 2015. Your donations will be confirmed and your eBook emailed within 24 hours of the day received.


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