Friday, December 13, 2013

Step Two: 12 Spiritual Principles to Recovery to Relationship with God, Self, and Others

Step Two:  We came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.

Addicts who have hit bottom recognize they have two choices before them, life or death.  They can continue their current path and die.  Alternatively, they can choose to seek help to turn their lives around and live.

It is so easy to begin the slide down the slippery slope into addiction.  Drinking or getting high with friends is feel good fun.  Sex with strangers and multiple partners takes place without thought. 

This behavior continued over time is not the fun it was from the beginning.  Alcohol and drug use are the common denominator.  They are the primary objects of relationship with the user.  Alcohol, drugs and other self - destructive behavior become more important to users than the people they use and exploit.

The second step comes at the precise moment when addicts reach the end of their self – destructive run.  Addicts without access to their drug of choice or behavior of choice can become threatening. Physical and emotional health challenges threaten users’ lives.  

Former using companions depart seeking others to consume.  Most family and friends have gone tired of disrespect, emotional and sometimes the physical abuse of domestic violence.  Criminal behavior may have even prompted legal issues and incarceration. 

The second step leads victims to realize their need for help greater than themselves.  If they could turn things around or fix their conditions on their own, they would.  Because they cannot, they must seek a higher ordered help.  For many, this will be a cry out to God or the angels.  For others, it will be a call out to others with information and experience that can help.  The power greater than ourselves is regarded a higher power because it has the potential to not only rescue us but also restore us to sanity.

Three New Testament experiences reveal the opportunities for recovery available in Step 2.  The first two are in Mark Chapter Five.  The third is in Luke Chapter 15.

The first is of the Gadarene Demoniac, a man possessed of many demons.  His self – destructive behaviors had prompted his exile from his community and his family.

The second is of a woman identified as having a bleeding disorder for 12 years.  She had spent all her money on doctors.  None had provided any help of relief or healing.  Her condition established by her religious tradition and culture was one of ritual uncleanness.  They forbid her to attend social functions or be away from her home as long as the condition persisted.

The third is of a young man who aspires to leave the authority and rule of his father’s house with the money that would come to him after his father dies.  He left home to live life in the fast lane of wine, women, and song.   He did until he had totally spent his inheritance.  When he found himself broke and friendless, his pride surfaced facing he would have to find work to support himself.  He became desperate.  He took work among pigs, something totally prohibited by his culture and upbringing.

Observe how the conditions of internal bondage, healing faith and restoration prompt three to seek help.  Learn how each came to believe a power greater than themselves could restore them to sanity this week from the Teaching Ministry of New Eden and Oscar Crawford Christian Media.  Join me and discover how Step 2 leads to the Time to Cry for Help.

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