Sunday, December 29, 2013

What You Think Matters

Living souls with human consciousness arrive with raw sensory data pouring in that can only be stored, not understood.  Eyes open seeing.  Ears hear.  Feeling feels.  Taste wants.  Vocal chords sound.  Noses smell.  None has idea of what is going on.  Anxiety attack number one has begun.  It is not until the new one feels the clutched closeness to feel the known music and rhythm of the drum it has known during pod season does a sense of security and calm come.
The announcement follows of     I AM     here in the first cries of wanting and needing what cannot be expressed.  The one who holds the new arrival places a nourishing part of her body near to the new one’s mouth and the installed software programmed instinct of nature older than time itself generates a connection of call and response satisfied.  Ahhhhhhhhh, this is happiness.  Did you know there was an app for that?
This is the human lot for a lifetime.  We do not know what we do not know.  We take steps into the unknown to begin to catalogue our experience of data collection.  We learn quickly the law of cause and effect.  We learn that if we cry loud enough long enough our cause, an effect will follow, one we hope will satisfy.  From these experiences of data collection, we begin to think and then to manipulate all things external to ourselves to get what we want.  This is our design.  This is how the Creator has made us.  This is why WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.
Introduction of the Message Text
Your reality is not just what you say it is, it is what you think it is says Jesus in Mark 11 vss 17a and 22b – 26.

17a and he taught saying unto them, “Is it not written, MY HOUSE SHALL BE CALLED BY ALL NATIONS THE HOUSE OF PRAYER?

22b Have faith in God.

23 Truly, I tell you, if you say to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and if you do not doubt in your heart, but believe that what you say will come to pass it will be done for you. (Our ADD at all ages and stages prevent focus on this powerful revelation).

24 So I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, (NOW, already) and it will be yours.  How the successful person acts in the role or goal we desire, we must manage our behavior and live as if our achievement is already a fact.  Those of us who have completed published works saw ourselves with completed published works as published authors long before accomplishment.  We saw our degrees before we earned them.  We write our scripts before we act them out and realize their achievement all the while living as if we already have them.  WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.

The Jesus Addendum

Incidentally and parenthetically, Oh and by the way one more thing

25 and 26 “Whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone; so that God in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses.

A bit of information on the text, vs 22 b, Oxford Research Notes on some ancient authorities believe the original languages did not just say ‘have faith.  Their comment suggests a better understanding would be to say, ‘if you have.’ 

We have what appears to be Jesus teaching with direction.  The subject of this sentence that is unseen but understood is the pronoun “YOU” to each individual and to the group.  He was speaking directly to those gathered around him.

Down south, the text might have easily had unspoken pronoun represented by, “YA’LL.”  There is also the unspoken but clearly established “WHEN” of the implication of the teaching.  The “WHEN” is “NOW” “RIGHT NOW!”

Right now if you have faith in God, nothing can stand in your way.  Today, we must face the question.  Since, I am a Christian, why do I, why do we seem to face so many mountains and why do we perceive so many things in our way?

Henry Ford, the Founder of the Ford Motor Company said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”

What we say and what we do reveals what we really think of ourselves.  Hard luck feel sorry for me stories conform to one of the first laws revealed in Genesis.  Every seed reproduces fruit after its own kind, Genesis 1 vs 11.  Keep planting hard luck feel sorry for me stories out your mouth from your seeded thoughts and they have no choice but to come to full harvest. Ultimately, what you know means nothing.  What you think means everything.  WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.

Dark Nights of My Soul, St. John of the Cross

In my own experience, I have known some dark nights of the soul.  Depression is the clinical identifier of this demon.  Depression can express itself as outwardly aggressive and hostile anger or it can manifest internally into an experience of sadness that feels like sinking in quicksand at midnight.  I don’t know if you have had moments like this.  Whatever way you turn to help yourself get free, you feel like you are sinking deeper and deeper into a darkness that might hold you in a sad forever. 

Once Bonnie noted this was taking place in me.  One afternoon, she had come home from work and found me on the couch in our first house.  She looked at me and said with all the brave and tough love she could muster, “You have to get up from there and do something.”  Her heart and the passionate intensity of her voice had touched me where I hurt and felt sorry for myself and called me back to life.

The conflict in this testimony is that I am the one God has used to draw many out of their dark nights.  Many across the world (women and men) have acknowledged me as their rescuer from their conditions of emotional hell, an invulnerable knight in shining armor superman all the while without knowing I too am not immune.

15 years later and living in Phoenix, my daughter Micha became my next champion.  I had fallen into a funk.  I had called her to tell her my latest sad luck story of how bad it was when she abruptly stopped me mid – sentence.  She said without hesitation, “Dad, how much more of that do you want?” Like Bonnie years earlier, her heart and the passionate intensity of her voice had touched me where I hurt and felt sorry for myself and called me back to life.

Like others of you here, my children and my friends, I have laid on your couches to tell you sad stories of my perceptual engagement of life and your voices and loving hearts like Bonnie’s and Micha’s touched me where I hurt and felt sorry for myself and called me back to life.

Can you hear this song right and feel my experience and maybe occasionally yours?  I was sinking deep in sin far from the peaceful shore, very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more, but the Master of the Seas heard my despairing cry, from the waters lifted me, now safe am I.  Love lifted me.  Love lifted me.  When nothing else could help, Love lifted me. WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.

The Question

Proverbs 23 vs 7 says, “As we think of ourselves in our hearts, so are we.” 

When we discover that it is our thinking that forms what happens in our lives, what should our immediate course of action be?  When the 49ers, not the football team, were chasing gold mid – nineteenth century in California, they immediately went where news of gold strikes sounded.  Where is your our gold to be found?
Acres of Diamonds, writing and speech made famous by Russell Cromwell, earned enough money to found Temple University.  He delivered the speech 5000 times after writing it in the last decade of the 19th Century.    In the speech, he told the story of a man searching for diamonds.  He sold everything he possessed, lands and all to search for them. 

The man who bought his land was walking it one day when he kicked a big rock.  Curious about the stone, he had it examined and processed leading to the discovery of the world’s largest diamond.  The man who had sold him the property who left in search of diamonds had owned what would become the world’s largest diamond mine.   Where are your our diamonds to be found and what opportunity are you missing right where you are? WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.

Jesus’ Answer

According to the proclamation of Jesus, our gold and our diamonds begin with what we believe and think about ourselves. As we think of ourselves, so are we.  If we think we are losers, we are right.  If we think we are winners, we are right.  If we think of ourselves as victims of a mean society because we are black and male, we will find a way to prove we are right.  If we think of ourselves as victims of any form of abuse, we will find a way to prove we are right. 

If on the other hand, we have the clever audacity to exercise the privilege of human intellect to believe what Jesus has revealed to us, we can have what we say we want.  Listen to the words of Jesus from Matthew 19 vs 26, “With men on their own functioning only from the limits of their fear based awareness, this is impossible; but with God, men and women unafraid to live by faith, discover all things are possible.

My friend, the late Dr. Robert Letcher taught all who worshipped at the Christ Center Church in Ashland, Kentucky, “Faith never rises above the level of confession.”  Confession is affirmation with Jesus clothes on.

The regular and continuous confession of the man and woman of Christ Centered Faith might regularly confess what God told Moses: I am that I am.

I am a living soul transformer because my mind is renewed and energized with thoughts that build me up.

I am a victorious winner always striving for the positive, the excellent.

I am a soul inspired by prayer, meditation, and study to do great things in Jesus’ name.

I am a loved son of the most high God and a man after God’s own heart.

I am the voice that speaks into existence what I want to show up in my life.

I am a healthy spirit, soul and body and an agent of healing to others.

I am love that cares empowered by the intelligence that comes from God.

Conclusion:  Right now, YA’LL, IF you have faith in God, nothing can stand in your way to keep you from accomplishing your goals.  The sho nuff true truth is that the only power that can stop you from succeeding is you.  When what you think is right, what you believe is right.  When what you believe is right, what you affirm to God, yourself and others on a regular basis is right.  Not even a mountain called impossible can stop you because nothing is impossible for God and nothing is impossible if you have faith in God.  Nothing is impossible with God and nothing is impossible if you have faith in God. WHAT YOU THINK MATTERS.

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