Friday, December 6, 2013

12 Spiritual Principles to Recovery to Relationship with God, Self, and Others

Self – destructive behaviors destroy men, women, children, relationships, jobs, hopes and dreams.  In the hit tune Crack Killed Apple Jack, a star football player Apple Jack Lewis becomes addicted to crack cocaine.  He became slave to the drug so much he began to sell use of his body for sex to pay for his habit until it killed him.  He died young on the side of the road dressed in drag.  His last words were, “I am Apple Jack Lewis, I want to go home.”

The 12 Step Program of Alcoholics Anonymous created by men who suffered the self - destructive effects of alcoholism has saved the lives of men and women all over the Earth.  Program creators reached the point in their lives where they realized their relationship to alcohol was killing them and their relationships.  They sought a path to personal recovery that would work for them and others caught up in the addiction and disease of alcoholism. The 12 Step Approach has proven effective in the treatment of drug, gambling, sexual, over eating, and other addictions.

Step 1 of the 12 Steps says, “We admitted we were powerless over alcohol, sex, food, drugs, gambling, anger, and other self –destructive behavior), [sin] and that our lives had become unmanageable.”   Powerlessness and unmanageability are the standout character defects addressed in Step 1.

Persons affected by alcohol addiction have no power when it comes to drinking.  They must drink and have no control over their subsequent unmanageable behavior.  Addicted men and women spend their thoughts, money, and time on drinking.

Irresponsible behavior follows.  Driving under the influence citations prompts the loss of driving privileges.  Accidents while driving drunk cause loss of life.   Engaging in risky sexual behavior unprotected is common.  Families suffer drunken domestic violence.  Job performance precipitates loss of work and income.  The downward spiral only ends when there is nothing left to lose and sufferers hit bottom.

Hitting bottom is a wake-up call.  This is the moment dramatic changes in behavior must take place to survive as an individual to salvage person and relationships.  The desire to live to restore personal life and relationships becomes priority number one.  This is the moment sufferers seek help.

The biblical text that most speaks to the condition of powerlessness and unmanageability is written by the Apostolic Emissary Paul in Romans Chapter 7 vss 19 and 24a.  He speaks of the condition of being human as one of powerlessness and unmanageability when he says, “For the good that I would do, I do not do it: but the evil which I am confident that I would never do, I find myself doing. O what a wretched man, I am.  I am no good. Who shall deliver me from this living death?

Explore more Step 1 on this week’s edition of the Teaching Ministry of New Eden YouTube Channel.  Learn how to apply Step 1 to begin recovery to relationship with God, self and others.  This will bless you and others you share the ministry of love.

Blessings in Jesus’ Name,


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