So you say you are a Christian; so
what? What does that mean?
The Wikipedia says a Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrhaamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christos (Χριστός), (anointed one) a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Mashiach (Messiah).
Conservative evangelical, fundamentalists,
and born again (so called) Christians are outraged over recent and other
ongoing events inconsistent with their perception n of biblical instruction. Abortion,
same sex marriage, and allies with non – Christian nations are high profile
issues that separate Christians from each other and the rest of the world God
so loved that he gave his only Son to salvage (John 3 vs 16).
Conservative and Liberal Christians neither
allow for, nor do they accept; the expression or point of view of the other. The
behavior demonstrates the same type of behavior among children who cry when
they do not get their way. These face off against each other like rams that
will ram heads against each other in the quest to be dominant. Only one is dominant
in the equation, God.
What is the motivation for this
constant antagonism established on the word ‘but’. When either speaks to what
they believe the Bible says, the other is quick to sling a ‘but’.
For all Christians who assert the
Bible prohibits the procedure of abortion or ending the life of unborn child,
these facts challenge the belief lived out. Thirty – seven percent of women
obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic. That
totals 65% of women
getting abortion are Christian.
Katherine Weber, Christian Post
Reporter reports a new survey
conducted by LifeWay Research finds that 44
percent of Americans believe homosexuality is a sin. Meanwhile, 43 percent
believe it is not, and 13 percent are not sure.
More regular
Christian churchgoing men than women believe homosexuality is a sin. Christians with college degrees are less
likely to believe homosexuality is a sin. Eighty – two percent of conservative
evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians believe
homosexuality a sin.
When a
Christian nation embraces nations who do not acknowledge God or his Christ and
makes deals with them, what does this mean? Christians are not up outraged over
trade deals with China or oil deals with Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and
Iraq. Why are conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so
called) Christians so quiet about these wrongs?
What does
the Written Word of God have to say about matters of inclusion beyond the
status quo? While
the people of Earth and the Earth herself experience savage rape for the sake
of politics, power, business, and profit; Christians find it more noble to
fight each other than take on the issues of human survival.
This is
behavior tantamount to that of white supremacists. These believe God, his
Christ and the cross authorize and empower their actions of hatred and harm.
These particularly hate Jews, Blacks and other people of color. Christians are
not outraged over this behavior because it is easier to condemn their perception
of the sins of others without drawing attention to the own.
are up in emotional arms asserting supremacist perspectives without regard for
the love of the neighbor as the Great Commandment of Matthew 22 vss 35 – 40
demands. This instruction is second only to the very first order of spiritual
business according the Shema of Deuteronomy 6 vs 4 that declares the Lord our
God is ONE!
Book of Galatians 3 vs 28 mentions one when it declares that there
is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male
nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Because
God, the creator is the only authentic Omnisexual, by extension of the
Galatians trend of thought, is it possible there is room to consider there is
neither heterosexual nor the differently sexual and there is neither
conservative nor liberal; all in Christ are one?
do sexual matters stir evoke so much vocal wrath amongst conservative
evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians? Why does
the same level of wrath not follow other behavioral concerns like incest in
Christian families and sexual abuse among Protestant church leadership?
Is it
that the need to feel superior only gives rise to notions of power, privilege
and prestige among conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so
called) Christians? If this is what is really going on, are between 8 and 10
million homosexual Christians to be denigrated through excommunication and non
- acknowledgement?
who worship their notion of the Constitution of the United States of America
and the Founding Fathers make the same kinds of arguments for political point
of view. Because they believe they know the mind of the founders’ intentions,
others who do not share the same sense of intention must be denigrated and not
acknowledged. The Founders are the same (so called) Christian men who believed
it appropriate to own and sell slaves.
family worships with the Silent Hope Church. . We are all members.
Hope developed to serve the Christian deaf community in the Phoenix, Arizona East
Valley. The church pastor is deaf. Many in the congregation are as well though
the church has many hearing members from many cultures.
people become deaf because of sickness, disease, or accident. Most are born
on their own behalf, the deaf say they do not need fixed to be like hearing
people. Their view honors how God gives rise to their creation.
Bible asks this question in Jeremiah 13 vs 23. Can the Ethiopian change his
skin? Can the leopard change his spots? Then may you also do good that are
accustomed to do evil.
Word of God honors life forms as God has created us. It is not only
counterintuitive to want what God has created to become something it is not; it
is also counterproductive.
Is it
that the conservative evangelical, fundamentalist and born again (so called) Christians
cannot accept what God has joined together should not be divided (Matthew 19 vs
6)? Or, is it something else. Can the homosexual male or female or any member
of the LGBT Community change because others want them to change so they can
feel OK with their status quo world?
Book of Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1, declares that to everything there is a season, and a time to
every purpose under the heaven. Essentially, the text establishes the acceptance
of opposites as the way of human experience.
everybody be like you and think like you demonstrates immaturity. Thinking that
God only honors individual perception of God is like saying the hand should be
full of thumbs instead of fingers.
God is
the ultimate expression of all of life. God is the only omniscient, omnipotent,
and omnipresent and omnisexual one. All of us experience our oneness in God’s
We are
sinners all of us without question alive in the era of God’s mercy, grace and
favor. This is God’s gift to us. We love God because God first loved us (1st
John 4 vs 19). We demonstrate our love
by living out the Great Commandment of loving God, loving ourselves, and others
as we love ourselves.
To that
end, the ultimate objective of all Christian behavior is to draw other and
influence them to relationship with Jesus, the Christ. We then carry out the privilege
of living after the model of Jesus.
people live out their sexuality and sex lives within the confines of legal and
acceptable behavior is their business, between them and God alone. So you say you are a Christian; so what? What
does that mean?
Wikipedia says a Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an
Abrhaamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of
Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word
Christos (Χριστός), (anointed one) a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Mashiach (Messiah). Let the chorus of ‘buts’