Tuesday, June 30, 2015

So you say you are a Christian; so what? What does that mean?

So you say you are a Christian; so what? What does that mean?

The Wikipedia says a Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrhaamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christos (Χριστός), (anointed one) a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Mashiach (Messiah).

Conservative evangelical, fundamentalists, and born again (so called) Christians are outraged over recent and other ongoing events inconsistent with their perception n of biblical instruction. Abortion, same sex marriage, and allies with non – Christian nations are high profile issues that separate Christians from each other and the rest of the world God so loved that he gave his only Son to salvage (John 3 vs 16).

Conservative and Liberal Christians neither allow for, nor do they accept; the expression or point of view of the other. The behavior demonstrates the same type of behavior among children who cry when they do not get their way. These face off against each other like rams that will ram heads against each other in the quest to be dominant. Only one is dominant in the equation, God. 

What is the motivation for this constant antagonism established on the word ‘but’. When either speaks to what they believe the Bible says, the other is quick to sling a ‘but’.
For all Christians who assert the Bible prohibits the procedure of abortion or ending the life of unborn child, these facts challenge the belief lived out. Thirty – seven percent of women obtaining abortions identify as Protestant and 28% identify as Catholic. That totals 65% of women getting abortion are Christian.

Katherine Weber, Christian Post Reporter reports a new survey conducted by LifeWay Research finds that 44 percent of Americans believe homosexuality is a sin. Meanwhile, 43 percent believe it is not, and 13 percent are not sure.

More regular Christian churchgoing men than women believe homosexuality is a sin.  Christians with college degrees are less likely to believe homosexuality is a sin. Eighty – two percent of conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians believe homosexuality a sin.

When a Christian nation embraces nations who do not acknowledge God or his Christ and makes deals with them, what does this mean? Christians are not up outraged over trade deals with China or oil deals with Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Why are conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians so quiet about these wrongs? 

What does the Written Word of God have to say about matters of inclusion beyond the status quo? While the people of Earth and the Earth herself experience savage rape for the sake of politics, power, business, and profit; Christians find it more noble to fight each other than take on the issues of human survival. 

This is behavior tantamount to that of white supremacists. These believe God, his Christ and the cross authorize and empower their actions of hatred and harm. These particularly hate Jews, Blacks and other people of color. Christians are not outraged over this behavior because it is easier to condemn their perception of the sins of others without drawing attention to the own.

Christians are up in emotional arms asserting supremacist perspectives without regard for the love of the neighbor as the Great Commandment of Matthew 22 vss 35 – 40 demands. This instruction is second only to the very first order of spiritual business according the Shema of Deuteronomy 6 vs 4 that declares the Lord our God is ONE! 

The Book of Galatians 3 vs 28 mentions one when it declares that there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. Because God, the creator is the only authentic Omnisexual, by extension of the Galatians trend of thought, is it possible there is room to consider there is neither heterosexual nor the differently sexual and there is neither conservative nor liberal; all in Christ are one? 

Why do sexual matters stir evoke so much vocal wrath amongst conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians? Why does the same level of wrath not follow other behavioral concerns like incest in Christian families and sexual abuse among Protestant church leadership?

Is it that the need to feel superior only gives rise to notions of power, privilege and prestige among conservative evangelical, fundamentalist, and born again (so called) Christians? If this is what is really going on, are between 8 and 10 million homosexual Christians to be denigrated through excommunication and non - acknowledgement? 

People who worship their notion of the Constitution of the United States of America and the Founding Fathers make the same kinds of arguments for political point of view. Because they believe they know the mind of the founders’ intentions, others who do not share the same sense of intention must be denigrated and not acknowledged. The Founders are the same (so called) Christian men who believed it appropriate to own and sell slaves.

My family worships with the Silent Hope Church. . We are all members.
Silent Hope developed to serve the Christian deaf community in the Phoenix, Arizona East Valley. The church pastor is deaf. Many in the congregation are as well though the church has many hearing members from many cultures.

Some people become deaf because of sickness, disease, or accident. Most are born deaf.
Speaking on their own behalf, the deaf say they do not need fixed to be like hearing people. Their view honors how God gives rise to their creation. 

The Bible asks this question in Jeremiah 13 vs 23. Can the Ethiopian change his skin? Can the leopard change his spots? Then may you also do good that are accustomed to do evil.
The Word of God honors life forms as God has created us. It is not only counterintuitive to want what God has created to become something it is not; it is also counterproductive.

Is it that the conservative evangelical, fundamentalist and born again (so called) Christians cannot accept what God has joined together should not be divided (Matthew 19 vs 6)? Or, is it something else. Can the homosexual male or female or any member of the LGBT Community change because others want them to change so they can feel OK with their status quo world?

The Book of Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1, declares that to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven. Essentially, the text establishes the acceptance of opposites as the way of human experience.

Demanding everybody be like you and think like you demonstrates immaturity. Thinking that God only honors individual perception of God is like saying the hand should be full of thumbs instead of fingers. 

God is the ultimate expression of all of life. God is the only omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent and omnisexual one. All of us experience our oneness in God’s son. 

We are sinners all of us without question alive in the era of God’s mercy, grace and favor. This is God’s gift to us. We love God because God first loved us (1st John 4 vs 19).  We demonstrate our love by living out the Great Commandment of loving God, loving ourselves, and others as we love ourselves. 

To that end, the ultimate objective of all Christian behavior is to draw other and influence them to relationship with Jesus, the Christ. We then carry out the privilege of living after the model of Jesus. 

How people live out their sexuality and sex lives within the confines of legal and acceptable behavior is their business, between them and God alone. So you say you are a Christian; so what? What does that mean? 

The Wikipedia says a Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity, an Abrhaamic, monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus of Nazareth. "Christian" derives from the Koine Greek word Christos (Χριστός), (anointed one) a translation of the Biblical Hebrew term Mashiach (Messiah). Let the chorus of ‘buts’ begin.

Monday, June 29, 2015

5th Monday June 2015 HELP IN THE EAST VALLEY

Help in the East Valley for this 5th Monday of June 2015 will be a review of available services shared for the month. 

On June 2, the FOOD EDITION presented help for people in the East Valley who need emergency assistance with food.


On June 8, the HOMELESS EDITION presented help for people in the East Valley who need emergency assistance with housing.

On June 15, the DOMESTIC VIOLENCE EDITION presented help for people in the East Valley who need emergency assistance with domestic violence.



On June 22, the VETERANS EDITION presented help for Veterans in the East Valley who need emergency assistance in health care and other supportive services.

For more information, email oscarcrawfordchristianmedia@gmail.com.
Join us and and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 3 PM for worship at the Silent Hope Church located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass Church School is at 2 PM.
May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford

Monday, June 22, 2015

Help in the East Valley - The June Help for Veterans Edition

The Mission of Help in the East Valley directs individuals and families to resources for emergency food, shelter, safety and other services assistance.

Welcome to Week Four of Help in the East Valley. Week One provided information to receive help with Food. Week Two provided  information to receive help with Housing. Week Three provided information to receive help for Domestic Violence.

Today, Week Four provides information on available Veterans services in the East Valley.
The Maricopa Community Colleges East Valley Veterans Education Center (EVVECprovides educational outreach and college advisement services to veterans and their family members at no cost. We offer a “one-stop-shop” where veterans can get practical information about community resources and educational services available to successfully pursue a college education. Additional services are provided by in-house educational and community partners.

Services OfferedAcademic advisement for the Maricopa Community Colleges and Northern Arizona University degree pathways, Assistance with college admittance and financial aid applications, Assistance with applying for veterans educational benefits, Rio Salado College Testing Center, Access to current employment listings, Computer-guided resume writing, Referrals for educational, employment, health, community and housing resources, and Free printing, copying, faxing, scanning, Skype, Wi-Fi and computer resources.
EVVEC Education and Community Partners include Rio Salado College, Mesa Community College, Chandler-Gilbert Community College, Veterans Upward Bound, Disabled American Veterans, Maricopa County Veterans Court

Phoenix VA Health Care System

Our Southeast Veterans Affairs Health Care Clinic is located in Gilbert, Arizona. The clinic serves Veterans on the east side of the valley including Ahwautukee, Apache Junction, Casa Grande, Chandler, Coolidge, Florence, Mesa, Superior, and Queen Creek, Arizona.

The clinic is based on a primary care model of health care that has physicians, physician's assistants and nurse practitioners who provide care. The clinic has several medical and psychiatric specialties available on site: for example, there is psychiatry, psychology, dermatology, gastroenterology and rheumatology. The clinic also has its own laboratory, social workers and dietitian. The clinic does not have a pharmacy onsite, prescriptions will be filled by mail through the main facility.
Supportive Services for Veteran Families
(SSVF) – funded by the VA, this program focuses on assisting low income veteran families with staying in or acquiring permanent housing. Services include outreach, case management and connection to resources. These are the organizations with the SSVF grant in Arizona: Maricopa  County (East valley) – Save the Family 
Save the Family Foundation of Arizona offers a variety of programs designed to empower families to conquer homelessness and achieve life-long independence. Through targeted services that align with the goals and strategies set by Valley of the Sun United Way and the Maricopa Association of Government’s Continuum of Care, families at Save the Family end the damaging effects of family homelessness by:
  • improving their education and employment opportunities,
  • accessing safe, permanent housing, and
  • building family competencies.
Early on, Save the Family recognized that families need more than safe housing to conquer homelessness. They also need skills and confidence to lead productive, self-sufficient lives. Today, we offer an array of programs for adults, youth, and children, including:
  • parenting skills, personal development classes, and support for victims of domestic violence
  • career development, literacy support, and financial education
  • dental, vision, and legal services
  • tutoring, after-school classes, and camps and activities for youth
If you or someone you know needs our services, please click here or call 480-898-0228.
Veterans, my brothers and sisters, you do not have to suffer. There is help. Contact these agencies for the help you need.  If you or any Veteran you know needs help because of depression or PTSD, Call NOW to this Hotline. Caring Veterans are standing by at the Veterans Crisis Line

For more information, email oscarcrawfordchristianmedia@gmail.com.

Join us and and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 3 PM for worship at 
the Silent Hope Church located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass Church School is at 2 PM.

May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen

Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Next Week - The June Veterans Services Edition

Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.


Friday, June 19, 2015

Getting to Know God, the Introdution - Available June 26, 2015

Getting to Know God grows out of a consciousness of self that does not understand or cannot personally account for how the self has come to be alive and self – aware. It is from this lifelong venture of exploration into pursuing answers to humanity’s challenging questions that meaning and purpose are born. 
We ask, “Who am I? What am I? Where am I from? What caused me to be here? What am I to do?” 
If I do not discover the answers to these questions, what then? The more I consider that I learn the more I must admit to myself I know too little about the things that matter to me and others around me most. 
Without answers, I/WE grow. We learn. We experience. We become busy distracting ourselves from the primary objective of seeking to answer or resolve the challenging questions.  
Along the way, we arrive at the only logical conclusion. Something beyond ourselves has caused our presence for reasons we cannot affirm, comprehend, or even fathom from our capacity to imagine or seeking understanding from first hand validated knowledge. 

Across the Earth, we who are human have accepted the great unknown, the why of our presence with self – aware consciousness as our Creator. Not all of us hold this view. Many if not most of us do. 

The Creator has created us with an intention not clear to us but composed of many powerful dynamics we cannot help but acknowledge. Many of us believe that intention is love because our design is intentional connection to achieve personal and communal relevance for the most of our existence. 

We accept then that connecting ourselves, developing ourselves, and continue to create successive generations of ourselves is primary to our purpose. Because our internal design has been built in by the great unknown, we consider the more we appreciate ourselves and all life around us, the more we express our appreciation for who has created us and placed us on the home we call Earth. 

God is the name many of us recognize as the Creator. Getting to Know God is the perspective of how one tribal connection of people living on Earth honors the Creator, God. We particularly honor the supreme human and divine man who embodies the Creator, God.  

Jesus, the Christ, the master image and embodiment of the Creator is the model for the highest level of connection amongst those of us who follow his WAY. We are identified across the Earth and know ourselves as Christians.

When we yield to this notion and direction, our purpose becomes clear from established, written and recorded principles. We are to love the Creator more than all other things. We demonstrate and live out that love by the way we actively love ourselves and others as we love ourselves. 

Getting to Know God will assert the human how to get to know God is revealed in how we get to know each other. This is one beginning to understand who we are, what we are, why we are and what we are to do. May all who read this be blessed to embody and live a dynamic love that live to be blessing to God, blessing to self, and to others.

Get a full review of Getting to Know God. Click Here

Getting to Know God is not available for sale. It is available for donation only. 

Click here to make your donations to receive Getting to Know God, June 26, 2015. Your donations will be confirmed and your eBook emailed within 24 hours of the day received.


Monday, June 15, 2015

Help in the East Valley - The June Domestic Violence Services Edition - This Behavior is Criminal, Uncivilized and Unspiritual

The United States Department of Justice defines domestic violence as a pattern of abusive behavior in any relationship that is used by one partner to gain or maintain power and control over another intimate partner.  Domestic violence can be physical, sexual, emotional, economic, or psychological actions or threats of actions that influence another person. This includes any behaviors that intimidate, manipulate, humiliate, isolate, frighten, terrorize, coerce, threaten, blame, hurt, injure, or wound someone.

The Arizona Department of Health Services defines domestic violence as the willful intimidation, physical assault, battery, sexual assault, and/or other abusive behavior perpetrated by an intimate partner against another. It is an epidemic affecting individuals in every community, regardless of age, economic status, race, religion, nationality or educational background. Violence against women is often accompanied by emotionally abusive and controlling behavior, and thus is part of a systematic pattern of dominance and control. Domestic violence results in physical injury, psychological trauma, and sometimes death. The consequences of domestic violence can cross generations and truly last a lifetime.

Help in the East Valley has identified the following to help and support services available to victims of domestic violence:

My Sister’s Place Domestic Violence Shelter 
610 N. Alma School Rd. #18 Chandler, AZ – 8622 480-821-1024

We provide shelter and services to women and their children who are fleeing domestic violence. We are always in need of non-perishable food items, laundry supplies, full-size toiletries, including toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, etc. and feminine hygiene products. To donate, call 480.821.1024 or helpmsp@cc-az.org. We are one of only two confidential domestic violence shelters in the East Valley and we only place one family per room, providing a more private and comforting environment for their safety and recovery.

Autumn House Domestic Violence Shelter 
PO Box 5860 Mesa, AZ – 85211 480-835-5555

Provides 120 days of emergency shelter.

Services include: 24-hour crisis hotline, Safe housing, meals and basic needs, Case management,     Childcare, Counseling and educational classes

Outreach Services focus on personal advocacy and community education regarding domestic violence and empowerment. Issues addressed include co-dependency, children and abuse, safety planning, DV laws, communication, grief, anger and stress management, boundaries and self-esteem, love and intimacy, assertiveness/aggressiveness and healthy relationships.

A New Leaf

A New Leaf helps bring hope and new beginnings to victims of domestic violence and their children. Through shelters, advocacy and the shelter over-flow program, we work tirelessly to help victims break the cycle of abuse.

DV STOP (Domestic Violence Safe Temporary Overflow Program)

A New Leaf’s DV STOP provides short-term emergency shelter and services to victims of domestic violence and their children while they await the availability of beds in domestic violence shelters countywide. Nobody in the Valley is turned away due to lack of space.
DV STOP offers: Crisis intervention and case management plus Basic needs assistance
For information and referral, please call 480-890-3039 or 1-844-SAFEDVS.

If you are in immediate danger call 911! Or, National 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline: (800) 799-7233, National 24 Hour Domestic Violence Hotline TDD: (800) 787-3224, National Sexual Assault Hotline (RAINN): (800) 656-HOPE (4673)

For more information, email oscarcrawfordchristianmedia@gmail.com.

Join us and and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 3 PM for worship at the Silent Hope Church located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass Church School is at 2 PM.

May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen

Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Next Week - The June Veterans Services Edition

Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.