Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Special 2 ∞ 4 ∞ 1 the Next 24 Hours Only

Living Christian in an Unchristian World delivers a biblical based love action response to the general malaise affecting church, country, and planet. The war on terror, a disastrous national economy, citizen conflicts over partisan politics, and the church living under the rumble of scandal after scandal takes a toll on the soul of America and her people. Disillusionment runs rampant. Can government, other institutions, and their leadership be trusted anymore? Living Christian in an Unchristian World informs and demonstrates for readers how to live above the malaise and disillusionment to follow the model of Jesus in the 21st Century World and have fun doing it.

“What we sow together, we grow together. It is time to plant, replant, and transplant our seed and ourselves. Our personalities, our families, our communities, our institutions, our states, nations and indeed our world need the influence of our best seed and fruit.”

Christian Fundamentals Re – Emerging is a blue print back to the old landmark of Christian Living to influence good through right living. America; the nation, the people, and the diverse spiritual population, is what is left of the former one nation under God Republic. Polite and not so polite social wars over religion, race, politics, and class happens between Christians and other Christians, between Christians and others, Americans and other nations. The time for highest level and most positive Christian influence is now. 

Christians, people living after the model life of Jesus of Nazareth live all over Planet Earth throughout the 21st Century Global Community. We are part of every class, culture, color, bloodline, economic, and political system. From the many, we are one diverse people, an inclusive community of love, service and sacrifice. Our goal is nothing short of the fully realized Kingdom of God on Earth.

For the next 24 Hours, get Living Christian in and Unchristian World and Christian Fundamentals RE - EMERGING for $1.99. Bless Yourself and Bless Another.

Oscar Crawford
M.Div., MS/AJS
May God bless you and keep you, care for you during your sleeping and your waking, in your going outs and your coming ins, in your labour and your leisure; May God make his face to always shine upon you and give you peace. Amen!

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