A covenant is a solemn and binding agreement entered into freely by individuals and members and groups. A church covenant details the specific and strategic map to proactive organizational peacekeeping. 3 Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3:3 Do two people walk hand in hand if they are not going to the same place?
Where there is no vision, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18). The following is a seven-step map to develop church covenant.
First, it must recognize the necessity of the relational investment. As God has loved, so we must love each other and talk to each other about how to live out our biblical centered faith and values.
Second, we must identify biblical values and our own. Where they are different, discussion must follow to allow the community a community level understanding of the value and how it is to be lived out in community.
Third, identify as much as is possible all potential opportunities for conflict and offer proposals for their resolution that are not inconsistent with biblical based values. Be clear. Be specific.
Fourth, identify the process for identifying unacceptable member in community behavior. Spell it out. Write it down be clear. All must be clear about expectations and consequences to all behavior. Whatever is agreed to in covenant, commit to the course agreed upon. Establish a range of response from mercy to exclusion for a period of time for violations of acceptable behavior.
Fifth, put it down in writing. Allow a period for prayer and fasting. Come back after an agreed upon period to make adjustments or re - negotiations where necessary.
Sixth, agree upon a time for formalizing with community endorsement and signatures and celebrate the occasion.
Seventh, agree upon a regular time for review.
Churches that invest in human relations strategies designed to develop binding agreement (covenant) embraced and endorsed (sealed) by pastors, leaders, and members; assert they love God, themselves, and each other. They plan for their harmoniously peaceful and productive coexistence as a bright and shining light Jesus Community. This behavioral Church model is the candle lit and atop the candlestick to light the whole house (Matthew 5 vs 15).
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