Thursday, July 30, 2015

Help in the East Valley - The July 30, 2015 Edition

Every evening just before dinner, My Bonnie asks what three good things happened for you today? She doesn't stop there, she also wants to know what three acts of random kindness did I perform? Coming up with the good things that happen for me is always easier than giving an account of the random acts of kindness I perform. When I look at my life balance sheet. I have so many things to be thankful for everyday. How many things I do that others might be thankful for is always what I might turn in a better performance report. Perhaps, we all might. don't do good to get good. Do good because it is who you are. 

Choose My Plate for older active adults directs for those of retirement age and older should manage 60 minutes of physical activity for which calories are intentionally burned with activity we are able to do. Activities may include things you enjoy or things your physical condition allows for. Walking is ALWAYS an excellent choice as is gardening and yes, even shopping. 

Just get up and move for 60 minutes a day. You will feel better and sleep better and model excellent habits for your family, friends, and neighbors. 


Lifestyle eating makes a huge difference. These steps will make a positive difference in how your body performs and processes food into nutritional assets.
  1. Make half your plate FRUITS and VEGETABLES.
  2. Make at least half your grains WHOLE GRAINS.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids. Choose low - fat, fat free or low lactose milk.
  4. Choose bright colored vegetables.
  5. Vary your protein choices.
Dietary Guidelines for men and women 65+ include:
  1. Women not physically active 1,600 Calories, Moderately Active 1,800 Calories and Active Lifestyle 2,000 Calories
  2. Men not physically active 2,000 - 2200 Calories, Moderately Active 2,200 - 2,400 Calories, and Active Lifestyle 2,400 - 2600 Calories
Visit Choose My Plate for further information. 

For other Health and Human Services, contact Arizona 211. Get Connected. Get Answers. (Community Information and Referral Services). Call Toll Free at 877 - 211 - 8661.

Join Bonnie and I and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 2 PM for Christian Education Studies, 3 PM for Worship at the Silent Hope Church and 430 PM Sign Language Class located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass 

On August 28th, we will attend Faith and Faith Day at Diamondback Stadium. Tickets are $16.00 each to attend. To be part of our group, email Pastor Jeremy for further information. 
May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Help in the East Valley - the July 22nd, 2015 Edition

The one who gives when he or she is asked has waited too long. ~Sunshine Magazine 

Welcome to this Edition of Help in the East Valley. The East Valley Cares.

Bonnie and I visited with the on site manager of the United Food Bank. We were interested in the process organizations must pursue to qualify as a food bank satellite to acquire food for public distribution.

The first thing we learned was the apply organization must be a 501 (c) 3 Non - Profit. Second, the organization must have its own operation for at least one year before applying. Third, it must have its own existing regularly scheduled food distribution for the same period of time.A final determination will be based on whether or not an existing satellite is already operating in the same service area. 

Right now, you can support the United Food Bank's Give Where You Live United Food bank Raffle. The Grand Prize is a 2015 Harley - Davidson Road Glide Special.
For more information, visit the United Food Bank online.

Domestic Violence, Housing Instability, and Poverty Often Intertwine

Year after year, approximately 45% of the homeless families at Save the Family have been victimized within 12 months of entering our programs. Low educational attainment and job skills, as well as a lack of child care and reliable transportation, often mean individuals can only obtain low wage work.
In addition, the following circumstances leave many individuals feeling as though they have little to no control over their lives:
  • Nearly 25% of homeless adults at Save the Family have no high school diploma or GED.
  • Many have limited workforce skills and lack needed support systems.
  • The majority of children are two to three years behind in their academic core competencies.
  • Only 11% of these children’s parents have achieved any post-secondary education.
For more information to get the help you need or to help someone you know who desperately needs help, visit Save the Family Online, visit their Mesa location or call. 

Save the Family125 E. University Dr.Mesa, AZ 85201 480-898-0228



For your Medicare Questions, call Steven Davey, Licensed Sales Agent for a Consultation at 480 - 204 - 0407. He is an Authorized Representative to provide infromation on Medcare Advantage Plans, dual special Needs Plans, Medicare supplements, and Medicare Rx Plans. Email Steven Davey


Other useful information includes the Social Security Website Phone 1 - 800 - 772 - 1213 and AHCCCS Phone 602 - 417 - 4000


Join Bonnie and I and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 2 PM for Christian Education Studies, 3 PM for Worship at the Silent Hope Church and 430 PM Sign Language Class located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass 

On August 28th, we will attend Faith and Faith Day at Diamondback Stadium. Tickets are $16.00 each to attend. To be part of our group, email Pastor Jeremy for further information. 
May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.





Monday, July 20, 2015

The Power of Discontentment

Oscar Crawford
Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. Philippians 4 vs 11

The power of discontent troubles the majority of humanity across the global community of Planet Earth.  People discontented with their financial circumstances struggle to survive without things that are necessary for life; decent, safe, and sanitary housing, clothing, water, and food.

Examples of nations living out the power of discontentment include the first world nations attempting to maintain control over the rest of the world through economics and weapons of war. Developing nations respond with the power of their own discontentment through acts of eXtreme violence.

First world nations include the nations of Western Europe, The United States, China, Russia, and other nations sharing similar interests and common alliances. The Undefined Islamic State, the nations of Iran, North Korea, Syria, and other discontented nations in alliance assert they will no longer be dominated, controlled, or constrained by first world nations.

Examples of individuals living out the power of discontentment include a Republican Contender for the Office of President critiqued for speaking his mind on issues, domestic terrorists bombing the Murrow Building in Oklahoma City, bombing the Boston Marathon, murders at Ft. Hood, and murders at military recruiting stations in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

The power of discontentment in many families prompts domestic violence. Spouses act out over not getting the attention they want. Children act out in violence at schools with drugs and guns. Disgruntled and fired employees return to workplaces to kill coworkers. The end result for many is literal suicide or suicide by cop.

Is there a response to eXtreme violence? How can the hard working people of the world concerned about providing for safety and security for their families find contentment in a discontented and troubled world? Can we all find comfort and contentment when much around us is an environment of chaos, violence and suffering?

The encouragement of the Apostle jailed for his beliefs writes to the many his influences reaches and tells them what works for him.  He says in paraphrase, “My reality should suggest that I am a man most miserable but I am not.

“In fact, I have been beaten, shipwrecked, and treated with eXtreme violence by my own countrymen. I   am a citizen of two nations and neither benefits me. No one is offering to pay a ransom for my freedom. In fact, I will likely die very soon because I am clear about who I am, whose I am, and for what I believe.

I am a Christian. I follow the ways of Christ who called me to share the good news with marginalized people everywhere I go. I have given my best to what the Lord Jesus called me to do.

My peace does not come from my circumstances. My peace comes from knowing that it is does not matter whether or not I am rich or poor, hungry or well fed, free or in prison about to be executed. My peace comes from knowing Jesus, the Christ gave his all for me and all to him I owe.”

In this I have found the ability to say to all of you whatever you are going through, “Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content.”

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

If you do not feed one hundred people, just feed one person. ~Mother Teresa

Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul. ~Dorothy Day

Friendship, Fellowship, Companionship, Relationship and Love are the food for the soul.
~Oscar and Bonnie Crawford

Welcome to this Edition of Help in the East Valley July 15th Edition. Bonnie and I want to express our appreciation for all of you who are following this work and sharing it with other people, individual and groups. 

Many suffer because they do with out things that are necessary for life. Friends, Ben and Krystylle Richardson, Founders of Faith Celebration Ministries International and The Mentor Squad  assert their gifts and talents to make a difference. Are you hungry to serve? Visit them on the web for service opportunities. The Richardsons know many are doing without things that are necessary for life.

The Salvation Army is providing lunch for people 60+ Sunday through Thursdays at their location at 214 East 6th Street in Mesa, Arizona 85201. Lunch is $2.00. For more information, phone 480 - 833 - 8322. For more information, email 

Join us and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at 2 PM for Christian Education Studies, 3 PM for Worship at the Silent Hope Church and 430 PM Sign Language Class located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass 

On August 28th, we will attend Faith and Faith Day at Diamondback Stadium. Tickets are $16.00 each to attend. To be part of our group, email Pastor Jeremy for further information. 
May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.

Monday, July 6, 2015

July 2015 FOOD Edition of Help in the East Valley

But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwelleth the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. 1 John 3 vss 17 - 18.
Welcome to the July Food Edition of Help in the East Valley for July 6, 2016 and Special Happy to Grand Daughter 16 years old Makayla and Great Grand Daughter 6 years old Harlee Jo.
Emergency Food Assistance in the East Valley is available in these two locations. If you need further help, make sure to ask them to give your referrals to other sources. You can get the food you need.

The Salvation Army - Mesa Citadel Family Services is located at 214 East 6th Street in Mesa, Arizona 85201. Hours of Operations are Monday through Thursday 8 AM - 11 AM and 1 PM - 3 PM. Friday hours are 8 AM - 1130 AM. Individuals and families make pick up food boxes during any of these hours. Phone Number is 480 - 833 - 8322.
the Society of St. Vincent DePaul
The Society of St. Vincent DePaul is located at 1244 SA. Power Road, Mesa, Arizona 85206. The Society provides food boxes to individuals and families in need Monday through Saturday from 9 AM - 1130 AM. Cross Streets are Power and Southern. Phone Number is 480 - 985 -4259.
For more information, email or call 602 - 413 - 8942 to leave your message. Your call will be returned same day when message received before 3 PM. If after 3 PM, call will be returned before Noon the following day.
Join us and and Friends this Sunday and every Sunday at3 PM for worship at the Silent Hope Church located at Address: 851 N Stapley Dr, Mesa, AZ 85203 for Information Phone Phone:(480) 525-8826 Pastor Jeremy Fass
May God Bless you and keep you, make his face to shine upon you and always give you peace. Amen
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Next Week - The July 2015 Emergency Shelter Edition

Help in the East Valley is a production of Oscar Crawford Christian Media.