Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Resurrection Sunday Message for 2012 and 2015

My friend Laura Baker reminded me of a message I presented for Resurrection Sunday 2012. I hope it speaks again to your heart, the hearts of believers everywhere, and all yet hungry to believe. 
Love and Blessings to all you and all our family, friends, and we friends we have not yet met in Jesus' Name, 
Oscar and Bonnie Crawford

This is my message to all who believe on Resurrection Sunday 2012.  Believe and be transformed by the Resurrection Moment.  I AM a Christian.  The Resurrection Moment is the exclamation point ending a series of declarations over millennia.  The One God became the one human to be for all humans what no human of his or her own ability could ever do.  This is what we believe.  We do not argue it.

We do not boast of our knowing.  Our boast is in The One God who became the one human who was able to demonstrate living at the level of Love’s, The One God’s, highest hope and expectation. 
None of us past, present, or to come had ever been able to do so.  When The One God became the one human to dwell among us, his birth of the beloved and adored Virgin Mother Mary, was declared a moment of Emmanuel, God with us and the first born of many.  His name is, was and will forever be Yeshua or Joshua in Hebrew.

His mission has become our mission to alleviate suffering and empower life.  He taught us that if we would believe without doubt, we then become the real TRANSFORMERS of the human experience.  He taught us to be bridges, connectors, and relationship builders around the vision of kingdom.

We who follow the living example and presence of Jesus adore him as King whose touch and voice brought the gift of love’s healing power into a world of fractured relationships.  Jesus was committed to his mission to the suffering of a humiliating capital punishment of death for doing the right thing; opening the eyes of the blind, feeding the hungry, healing the sick, raising the dead, and liberating the many in captivity from their literal and emotional experiences of pain.

When his and our enemies killed him, they rejoiced.  To them his death sealed the deal.  Religious church devils rejoiced.  Political oppressors reveled in their power, UNTIL EARLY on that first RESURRECTION SUNDAY MORNING when he stepped up out of death’s moment to walk forth alive from the grave of the tomb.

It was another woman named Mary who was first to make the report of the risen one who had conquered death, hell and the grave to live and walk amongst us again.  He was not and is not dead.  He lives and his living spirit dwells amongst those of us who believe, who continuously are being transformed into his likeness while we build his kingdom.

For all of you who will worship today and submit yourselves to the power of the Holy Sacrament of Communion, the Lord’s Supper; do so believing that as you consume the symbols of his body broken for you and his blood that was shed for you that you are further being transformed to be like him. 

Believe and be transformed in Jesus’ name to be made whole in spirit, soul, and body.  Believe and be transformed to alleviate suffering and empower life.  Believe and be transformed through your own symbolic dying to rise and walk in the newness of life as modeled by our first born big brother, Yeshua.

This is my message to all who believe on Resurrection Sunday 2012 and 2015.  May our lights so shine that all who see us see him ALIVE in us.  Amen

Friday, March 13, 2015

Christian Fundamentals RE - EMERGING

If your tire of all the social bad news and are ready for a blue print to make a difference beginning right where you are, act now. Get Christian Fundamentals RE - EMERGING. Help Build an inclusive world where your difference is valued. When you get yours, I will give a copy to any person you choose. Get yours at this link

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Christian Fundamentals RE - EMERGING - Love, Life, and Service in the Beloved Community

America; the nation, the people, and the diverse spiritual population, is what is left of the former one nation under God Republic. Polite and not so polite social wars over religion, race, politics, and class happens between Christians and other Christians, between Christians and others, Americans and other nations. The time for highest level and most positive Christian influence is now. Christian Fundamentals Re – Emerging is a blue print back to the old landmark of Christian Living to influence good through right living. Get Re – Emerging March 13, 2015.