Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Second Peace Prayer

The Second Peace Prayer is complete. After the invitation to write Peace Prayers, this followed my daughter Micha Goudeau's time in prayer for what to write.

Micha Goudeau
God grant me the wisdom
To be the best parent I can be
The gratitude for the opportunity
And the discipline to make them disciples
Loving them each day with purpose
Living one moment at a time
Handling challenges as an opportunity to strengthen
Accepting, as my parents did, the ups and downs
In a manner that pleases God, and not my human nature
Trusting God for direction as we travel along the way
That I may be a parent that makes my heavenly father proud,
On this day and every one after

The world awaits our shared blessing of PEACE PRAYERS. Is your next? WE can do this and be thankful. WE can be PROUD that we shared a time of shared giving to many beyond ourselves and our immediate communities.

Know you are loved. Send Micha your comments and observations to Micha on Facebook.

I invite you to join me developing adaptations of the Serenity Prayer in a collection to be called the Peace Prayers. The goal will be to develop 52 adaptations, one for each week of 2015.
The Rules

Keep in mind that an adaptation is something that is adapted; especially, a movie, a book, play, etc., that is changed so that it can be presented in another form.

  1. Make your adaptation true to the spirit of Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer using his model for form and format.
  2. Begin your adaptation with the word 'God'.
  3. Do not use the word 'serenity' in your adaptation.
  4. Make sure your adaptation is one with peace central to its theme.
  5. After developing your adaptation of 14 lines and an Amen, write a 400 character comment expressing your personal sense of your adaptation.
  6. Use this opportunity to be a blessing in your work, now and for many years to come.
  7. If your work is selected, it will be included in the completed adaptations to be called the PEACE PRAYERS.
  8. All Contributors will be licensed to give away the eBook edition of PEACE PRAYERS through the holiday season from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. You will have an excellent gift to give away to all you love and care about.
For further information, text 602 - 413 - 8942 and ask for a scheduled return call or email

We make the world a better place every time we love and bless one another, each other, and others one soul at a time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The First Peace Prayer

God grant me the good will
and the good intention to do right 
when I want to do wrong.

Help me to be clear headed 
and mature in my behavioral choices
So they are good for me
and do no harm to others.

Allow me to be in the presence
of your peace sharing the same
with others tat we may
live together in and love and joy
to your glory.


I invite you to join me developing adaptations of the Serenity Prayer in a collection to be called the Peace Prayers. The goal will be to develop 52 adaptations, one for each week of 2015.
The Rules

Keep in mind that an adaptation is something that is adapted; especially, a movie, a book, play, etc., that is changed so that it can be presented in another form.

  1. Make your adaptation true to the spirit of Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer using his model for form and format.
  2. Begin your adaptation with the word 'God'.
  3. Do not use the word 'serenity' in your adaptation.
  4. Make sure your adaptation is one with peace central to its theme.
  5. After developing your adaptation of 14 lines and an Amen, write a 400 character comment expressing your personal sense of your adaptation.
  6. Use this opportunity to be a blessing in your work, now and for many years to come.
  7. If your work is selected, it will be included in the completed adaptations to be called the PEACE PRAYERS.
  8. All Contributors will be licensed to give away the eBook edition of PEACE PRAYERS through the holiday season from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. You will have an excellent gift to give away to all you love and care about.
For further information, text 602 - 413 - 8942 and ask for a scheduled return call or email

We make the world a better place every time we love and bless one another, each other, and others one soul at a time.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


For years, Bonnie and I worked together in Recovery Ministries serving individuals and families with burdensome hurts, habits and hangups.

Every Friday night, we spent the evening in an hour of worship, an hour in specialty recovery groups, and hours in fellowship in the Soul Food Cafe.  

Central to all our work was the Serenity Prayer written by Reinhold Niebuhr.  Most know the first four lines of the prayers that says:

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

The first four lines are used in many recovery groups as an individual and group encouragement.  The conclusion of the prayer says:

Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time; 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life 
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

Earlier today, I was inspired by the work of a call center coach named Mike. Mike had penned an adaptation of the Serenity Prayer for a call center employee requiring extra grace. He left the employee this note.

Mike's Adaptation

God grant me the common sense
to realize complaining 
about the leads does not help;
The mental strength
to act like a grownup
when my RPH stinks
and the common courtesy
not to take it out
on innocent bystanders


As a result of today's inspiration, I invite you to join me developing adaptations of the Serenity Prayer in a collection to be called the Peace Prayers. The goal will be to develop 52 adaptations, one for each week of 2015.

The Rules

Keep in mind that an adaptation is something that is adapted; especially, a movie, a book, play, etc., that is changed so that it can be presented in another form.

  1. Make your adaptation true to the spirit of Niebuhr's Serenity Prayer using his model for form and format.
  2. Begin your adaptation with the word 'God'.
  3. Do not use the word 'serenity' in your adaptation.
  4. Make sure your adaptation is one with peace central to its theme.
  5. After developing your adaptation of 14 lines and an Amen, write a 400 character comment expressing your personal sense of your adaptation.
  6. Use this opportunity to be a blessing in your work, now and for many years to come.
  7. If your work is selected, it will be included in the completed adaptations to be called the PEACE PRAYERS.
  8. All Contributors will be licensed to give away the eBook edition of PEACE PRAYERS through the holiday season from Thanksgiving through Christmas and New Years. You will have an excellent gift to give away to all you love and care about.
For further information, text 602 - 413 - 8942 and ask for a scheduled return call or email

We make the world a better place every time we love and bless one another, each other, and others one soul at a time.