Monday, April 29, 2013

How to Live Glad to Be Alive

Oscar and Bonnie Crawford
Living the Thankful Life is the privilege to demonstrate how to live glad to be alive.  Living thankful suggests observation of activity that has already taken place has been personally and emotionally meaningful.  Appreciation followed for which a significant emotional memory remains.  Not all are pleasant.  All are meaningful leaving deep impressions imprinted in hearts and minds.

Are you glad to be alive right now?  How are you demonstrating it?

It is Monday Morning, April 29, 2013 just before 7 A.M.  I breathe on my own.  I move on my own.  I am awake for more than an hour.  I have seen my Bonnie’s early morning smile and heard her voice.  I am thankful to be alive.  

Yesterday, we shared worship’s moment of intense intimacy with our community of faith, the House of Prayer Christian Center.  You want to share this experience.  It will do your spirit, soul and body good. I am thankful to be alive.

Bonnie and I cooked dinner for friends last night.  I heated an 18-inch cast iron skillet, poured in a few teaspoons of soy sauce.  Chicken breasts wrapped in bacon were next in.  Oven temperature was 350 degrees for the first 20 minutes. 

Skillet comes out of oven just long enough to top with mozzarella cheese and breadcrumbs.  It all goes back into the oven for a final 10 minutes at 400 degrees.  After ten minutes, turn oven off and leave in oven for another 10 minutes with oven door open.  It should have a beautiful brown top.

We added mashed potatoes.  There was also salad of tomatoes with cucumbers and onion in oil and vinegar.  I am thankful to be alive. 

The word glad has the connotation of being so happy you are almost giddy, joyfully laughing and smiling over your experience of the moment.  Glad has many first cousins synonyms.  Among them are blissful, delighted, happy, joyful, pleased, satisfied, or thankful.

Are you glad to be alive right now?  How are you demonstrating it?

If this blog post spoke to you, you might also like this:  Just  Glad to Be Alive, a Glimpse into the Life of Father Fred Fury

The Teaching Ministry of New Eden is produced by Oscar Crawford Christian Media.  

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to Be Happy

A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.  Proverbs 17 vs 22 The Amplified Bible

The song His Eye is on the Sparrow says, “I sing because I’m happy .” Dr. Dennis Kimbro says in his book, “Think and Grow Rich - a Black Choice, “I don’t sing because I am happy.  I am happy because I sing.”  What are you doing to be happy and experience happiness?

Being happy is a choice that begins in the mind.  It is a state of mind or a conditioned way of thinking.

People sense themselves as a result of their thoughts of themselves.  If we think good and happy thoughts of ourselves in our minds, we tend to experience the same outside ourselves and beyond our minds.

French Philosopher Descartes concluded on the basis of his thinking and said, "I think therefore I am." The "am" becomes I am what I think.

Morris E. Goodman, the Miracle Man of the Secret said after surviving a plane crash, that he could not afford the luxury of doubt because all his thoughts had to be focused on his recovery and healing.  He concluded that man is what he thinks about.
Here is one of the few place of human control.  I decide what I think and out of what I think, I am.  Being happy therefore begins with thought. 

Join me Sunday for the Teaching Ministry of New Eden where I will explore How to Be Happy with you more.  I think.

What WE Sow Together, WE Grow Together.

The Blessing of God and Good People Be With YOU!  

The Teaching Ministry of New Eden is produced by Oscar Crawford Christian Media.