Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Six Primary Components of Christian Spirituality

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, The Gospel of John 3 vs 16 a


Love, grace, communion, meditation, prayer, and service form the six primary components of Christian Spirituality. The context, the situation in which something happens, of the text, information able to be read; shares God’s action on behalf of seemingly lost world living in the darkness of perpetual evil.

Information reveals the existence of God not only predates God’s love for the inclusive community of the inhabited world, but the world itself. God’s action will be shown to demonstrate the modeling of the six primary components of Christian Spirituality.


The opening chapters of Genesis, the Book of Beginnings reveal God’s relational context with the world. In Chapter 1, God creates the cosmos, and particularly Planet Earth providing all the elements and conditions necessary to facilitate plant, animal, and human life. 

God’s macro design is the cosmos. God’s micro  design is  life forms on the Earth. Humans become the pinnacle conclusion of God’s actions.


In Genesis 6, God is living with disappointment. Humans have not lived up to expectations. God expresses regret for his actions of creating humans and sets out to destroy them; until he notes a man named Noah.

For centuries, God restrains his disappointment. God does not destroy humanity but elects to maintain a presence with not just one man but a group of people God will influence through the leadership of chosen men. None are ever able to live up to expectations God has established for the people with whom God lives in covenant relationship.

An Uncommon Union

It is for this reason that God’s action of John 3 vs. 16 a comes into existence. After millennium of love for Creation and particularly, the Earth, God arrives at a new level conclusion after hopes and expectations unfulfilled. God will love humanity in spite of their behavior.

An uncommon union  evolves born of the six primary components of Christian Spirituality.  God’s desire for intimate relationship with humans has required diligent love, amazing grace, constant communion, intense meditation, humble prayer, and faithful service to give evidence of what lives inside through outward symbols of ritual and behavior.

Next time, from the same text, we will examine component number one, LOVE. Until then, May God bless you and keep you, care for you during your sleeping and your waking, in your going outs and your coming ins, in your labour and your leisure; May God make his face to always shine upon you and give you peace. Amen!

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